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12:25 a.m. - 2015-06-30
fucken bliss
I was "needy" today.
And it was bliss with my terrible ex.
I'm weak damm it!
It was good, and lovely and raunchy. Damm it !
Sunday midnight we met up and flew together for a couple of hours.
We went to Wal-Mart, to the park got Carl's then til morning we got a room napped together with a fucken fresh ass a/c
Til check out time at 2pm .
He put my stereo at the park and I got a frappe then a vanilla icee.
I got home til almost 6pm. We spent almost the whole day together and I enjoyed him. I missed him and I was needy.
I wish things were different but they're not. He's still gentle with me and knows how to please me.
He's my big ass secret hobby. He's my guilty pleasure and I'm ashamed but I love a part of him, always Will. Wish we understood each other more, but we are very different, two whole different
World s . ....Sigh. I have to grow up.
He's my guilty pleasure...inconceivable BLISS.



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