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11:02 p.m. - 2013-12-06
pathetic ME (-___-'')
Lo extrano con toda mi alma sweetie, my heart and mind is numb like when u feel like hanging urself. Or crying but can't
Sorry that I use u as a distraction but u truly are my best friend right now and I do loove u but its different, my heart is shitty llike that

When I was younger I literally felt like I cood "love" anybody I wanted becuz I cood always see the good in anybody and I felt like I could nurture that side of them u know
It was just a matter of choosing I suppose, I FElt like javi needed my love more than anybody he was sooo lost and in sooo much pain and that's why I chose him, I sacrificed myself for him
I don't do it on purpose but its my nature, so I'm sorry if I trip u out , I trip myself out too, u know the way I cn bring soo much happiness to someone by just being next to them



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